5 Coasters Added To My List This Year
I’m done traveling for the year and with my travels, I was fortunate to add another 5 roller coasters to my list. This brings me to a grand total of 133 individual roller coasters I have rode in my life. 5 may not seem like a lot but seeing that I didn’t actually travel just to ride coasters but rode these new coasters during normal business travel, I’m satisfied with the number.
HCG Diet – Calorie Counter
Here is a breakdown of the approximate calories of each food allowed during the HCG diet. As a refresher, HCG, short for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone found in pregnant women that when taken allows a person to survive on a low calorie diet (500 calories a day) and in which case they are able to lose on average about a pound or two a day, all while maintaining a healthy physique and not experiencing the usual hunger pains that accompany many diets.
HCG Diet – Phase Two
I recently lost 40 pounds in 40 days using Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) and a very low calorie diet. While that is phenomenal weight loss, I still need to lose about 20 pounds to get to my goal weight of 190 pounds. So, after approximately 6 weeks after being off the first round of HCG, I am now starting the second phase.
U2 – A Diary: New Book Chronicalling the Life of U2
The band U2 has always been one of my favorites. From Bono’s superb singing voice to Edge’s unique guitar playing style to the quality and substance of their music, they have always thrilled me with their music and performances. Now a new book has been authored by my very good friend, Matt McGee that details all of the relevant day-to-day events that have shaped U2 into the band it is today.
Unique Dining Experience – Quaker Steak & Lube
I’ve been in many themed restaurants over the years. In fact one of the best as far as having “stuff” hanging everywhere is Joe’s Crab Shack where you will find an amazing assortment of things to look at. However, I believe a restaurant I visited on my recent trip to Ohio tops them all for how far an eatery will go in it’s theming.
Is an Amusement Park Finally Coming To Arizona?
For years there have been rumors that a major amusement park would be built in Arizona. Recently it was speculated that Six Flags had bought land somewhere north of New River Arizona and was planning on building an amusement park. It was a rumor. There have also been rumors that an all-indoor park was being planned. Now there is news that a group is planning on building a park somewhere between Phoenix and Tucson.
How I Lost 40 Pounds in 40 Days – The HCG Diet
The last few weeks have been quite a journey for me. A little over 40 days ago, I weighed in at a whopping 247 pounds. That’s about 50 pounds more than I should weigh and is for the most part the result of eleven plus years of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Today as I write this post, I weigh 210 pounds. How did I lose so much weight in such little time?
Netflix Credits Customer Accounts 15% – Is It Enough?
If you are not one of the 8 million subscribers that Netflix currently has, you may or may not have heard about the DVD rental giant’s disaster last week when their shipping system all but died. It all started last Tuesday when Netflix reported a technical glitch that prevented them from sending out DVDs to subscribers.
20 All Time Most Memorable Movie Characters
I have seen a lot of great movies in my time. Interesting story lines, amazing cinematography, incredibly suspenseful, out of this world funny and the like. One thing I really enjoy besides these elements is intriguing characters that are acted out extremely well. With that, I give you my all-time top list of favorite movie characters.
Arizona Public Service (APS) – You Suck!
I am always afraid to open my electric bill in the summer. It is typical to have electric bills in the $500 range but this month’s bill of shocked me a bit. I’m not going to disclose the exact amount but let’s just say that in my seven years at my current residence, I have never seen a bill this high.