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HCG Diet – Calorie Counter

Here is a breakdown of the approximate calories of each food allowed during the HCG diet. As a refresher, HCG, short for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin is a hormone found in pregnant women that when taken allows a person to survive on a low calorie diet (500 calories a day) and in which case they are able to lose on average about a pound or two a day, all while maintaining a healthy physique and not experiencing the usual hunger pains that accompany many diets.

How I Lost 40 Pounds in 40 Days – The HCG Diet

The last few weeks have been quite a journey for me. A little over 40 days ago, I weighed in at a whopping 247 pounds. That’s about 50 pounds more than I should weigh and is for the most part the result of eleven plus years of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. Today as I write this post, I weigh 210 pounds. How did I lose so much weight in such little time?

20 All Time Most Memorable Movie Characters

I have seen a lot of great movies in my time. Interesting story lines, amazing cinematography, incredibly suspenseful, out of this world funny and the like. One thing I really enjoy besides these elements is intriguing characters that are acted out extremely well. With that, I give you my all-time top list of favorite movie characters.

Caring For Newborn Babies For Dummies

Now that we have a newborn in the house (our first grandson), I’m finding myself having to brush up a bit on how to properly care for him. Even though we have raised three children, it has been what seems like a lifetime since they were infants.

Disneyland Trivia: Walt Disney’s Apartment

I’m a huge fan of Disneyland, the original theme park and as such am as much interested in its history and secrets as visiting it in person. I have visited the park a total of eight times as of the writing of this post and yet there are still places I have not been and secrets that have not been revealed to me.