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All client work is finished for the year so we are taking next week off. What will I do with myself? While it would be nice to get out of town, that is next to impossible as my daughter is due to give birth to our first grandson any day now.

One thing is for sure – I will try to stay away from the computer. My body and eyes need a rest from sitting in front of a monitor 9 plus hours a day. I’ll probably spend 1 -2 hours each day monitoring email, catching up on RSS feeds and following my Twitter friends. But what to do with the rest of the time?

  • On one of my days off, I’d like to watch all three “Lord of the Rings” movies in a row. That will take up abut nine plus hours of time.
  • Practice my singing and guitar playing each day for at least an hour. Practice makes perfect and it is always hard to find time with regular schedule. I may even try to learn all the bass lines on Rush’s new album – Snakes & Arrows.
  • Spend time in the back yard either soaking in the Spa, sitting in front of a fire at night or simply lounging with a cold beer or glass of vino while enjoying our most excellent winter weather.
  • Finish watching the second part of “Rush in Rio” DVD. May even re-watch “Rush R30” DVD and three live Led Zeppelin DVDs.
  • Take longer naps each day.
  • Start reading Seth Godin’s “Meatball Sundae” book that I received complimentary at SES Chicago.
  • Spend more quality time with wife and children (one still lives with us while the other two come over all the time).
  • Maybe, maybe and again maybe, enjoy new grandson (daughter is actually due Jan 5th but already 1 cm dilated).

Other than that, we only have two scheduled events – Christmas Eve dinner at my cousin’s house in Gilbert and Christmas Day breakfast with some of our dear friends.

Most of all, I will relax and takes things a bit easy as I expect a very busy year in 2008, not only with client work but with a handful of internal projects we have going.

What about you? Will you take next week off and if so, what will you do or will it be business as usual?


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